[Swan-dev] regarding: testing: adding missing : ==== end ==== to nicinit

Antony Antony antony at phenome.org
Wed Jan 29 09:14:12 UTC 2020

On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 04:00:10AM -0500, Paul Wouters wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Jan 2020, Antony Antony wrote:
> > > I understand that is your preference if _any_ solution is needed. But you
> > > didn't answer my real question. Is there any test case that functionally
> > > needs to run final.sh on nic? Do we have a test that is simple enough
> > > that it uses init/run/final, yet needs to do something on nic in the
> > > final.sh? Without that current requirement, why would we need to use
> > > any of these hacks with markers or hostname grepping ? Then we should
> > > just not run final.sh on nic ever.
> > 
> > I don't know. If you don't see any they are gone. I was thinking of ocsp.
> > Those are changed to numbered scripts.
> Okay. good!
> > I was fighting spread of "hostname | grep nic /dev/null || ipsec whack
> > --trafficstatus"
> As I said, those were only used to get the same output for kvm and
> namespaces. I didnt rely on markers . If final.sh is never needed on nic,
> I suggest we change our scripts to never execute final.sh on nic. And
> to remove the markers for "initdone" and :==== end ====" in *init.sh and
> final.sh. And rewrite the final.sh versions without the above hostname |
> grep nic check.
> I'm happy to do this after the 3.30 release.
> Just to be very sure, is there anything needing the initdone markers
> still? A grep in testing/utils/* shows nothing. If no one can think of
> anything, I will also take those out when I do this work.

I am confused. Are you proposing remove markers now?

currently the markers are in use about 280 tests in nicinit.sh.
Please don't remove those yet. they will all need "hostname nic" hack in the 
final.sh. That does not seems like a good idea to me! Once the testrunners 
stop running final.sh on nic we can re-visit removing the marker. Until then 
I hope you don't remvoe the marker! If you testruns likely to be unstable.

The 18 or so thests whithout the markers I suggest we add marker
 until runner is updated. Then we are consistnt.

I think the current issue is we copy tests and then tests without mkarkers 

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