[Swan] NetKey vs KLIPS

Lawrence Manning lawrence.manning at smoothwall.net
Thu Sep 11 15:37:42 EEST 2014


On 11 Sep 2014, at 13:05, Lennart Sorensen <lsorense at csclub.uwaterloo.ca> wrote

> We switched to netkey for our use some years ago when we found a
> particular use case we couldn't get klips to handle (running the default
> route through the ipsec tunnel).

If I understand correctly, this can be done by having a 0.0.0/0 remote subnet. Do you mean something else?

> Also the klips interfaces and keeping
> them bound to other interfaces that could come and go (ppp interfaces
> for example) was a pain to keep track of to know when ipsec had to be
> restarted to keep things working.

Yes, this is a rather a nasty limitation. I *think* (might be wrong) that this is more an integration problem between the startup glue scripts and pluto/klips vs a real klips problem. Ie. you could probably work around this by making your own action mechanism that add/removed the ipsec interfaces without doing a full restart. But great if netkey makes this a non problem.

> The hard coded limit on the number
> of interfaces that could be used to handle ipsec traffic at a time was
> also an annoyance.

Yeah, we crank up the limit but it is still hardcoded and not changeable at even module load time AFAIK.

> klips made firewalling a bit more obvious, but once
> we looked at how to do firewalling for netkey it wasn't hard and there
> was no obvious benefit to using klips for us.

I played with using some of the special netfilter matches for netkey, and I know it can be done… it’s just “weirder”. I believe, for instance, that under ntetkey libpcap will se both the cleartext and the cyphered packets….

> If there are any benefits
> to klips I don't know what they are.  Hopefully our developer friends
> will fill us in on that.

Yes indeed. :)


Lawrence Manning
Founder and Developer
lawrence.manning at smoothwall.net

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