[Swan] Data sent in clear despite established tunnel

Phil Nightowl phil.nightowl at gmail.com
Wed Apr 17 11:13:54 EEST 2024

Hello everyone!

I have problems setting up a roadwarrior config. Both ends sit behind a NAT; 
the roadwarrior/initiator as usual with unpredictable IPs, the 
server/responder with a fixed set of public/private IPs 
( I shall write the initiator addresses as 
rw.pp.uu.bb and rw.ii.nn.tt, respectively. The is, as commonly 
with NAT, in fact the public address of the whole LAN behind it, but 
incoming connections to udp/500 and udp/4500 are being forwarded to the 

Currently, my issue is that the tunnel seems to get established correctly, 
but when trying to ping the responder from the initiator, the ICMP packets 
travel back and forth in clear.

This is the status output from the initiator:

000 Connection list:
000 "main":[C=ZZ, O=Privdomain, CN=roadw.privdomain]---[%fromcert]===; unrouted; eroute owner: #0
000 "main":     oriented; my_ip=unset; their_ip=unset; mycert=roadw; my_updown=ipsec _updown;
000 "main":   xauth us:none, xauth them:none,  my_username=[any]; their_username=[any]
000 "main":   our auth:rsasig(RSASIG+RSASIG_v1_5), their auth:RSASIG+RSASIG_v1_5, our autheap:none, their autheap:none;
000 "main":   modecfg info: us:none, them:none, modecfg policy:push, dns:unset, domains:unset, cat:unset;
000 "main":   sec_label:unset;
000 "main":   CAs: 'CN=Privdomain CA'...'CN=Privdomain CA'
000 "main":   ike_life: 28800s; ipsec_life: 3600s; ipsec_max_bytes: 2^63B; ipsec_max_packets: 2^63; replay_window: 128; rekey_margin: 540s; rekey_fuzz: 100%; keyingtries: 0;
000 "main":   retransmit-interval: 500ms; retransmit-timeout: 60s; iketcp:no; iketcp-port:4500;
000 "main":   initial-contact:no; cisco-unity:no; fake-strongswan:no; send-vendorid:no; send-no-esp-tfc:no;
000 "main":   v2-auth-hash-policy: SHA2_256+SHA2_384+SHA2_512;
000 "main":   conn_prio: 0,32; interface: wlp4s2; metric: 0; mtu: unset; sa_prio:auto; sa_tfc:none;
000 "main":   nflog-group: unset; mark: unset; vti-iface:unset; vti-routing:no; vti-shared:no; nic-offload:auto;
000 "main":   our idtype: ID_DER_ASN1_DN; our id=C=ZZ, O=Privdomain, CN=roadw.privdomain; their idtype: %fromcert; their id=%fromcert
000 "main":   liveness: passive; dpdaction:hold; dpddelay:0s; retransmit-timeout:60s
000 "main":   nat-traversal: encaps:auto; keepalive:20s
000 "main":   newest IKE SA: #0; newest IPsec SA: #0; conn serial: $1;
000 "main"[1]: rw.pp.uu.bb/32===rw.ii.nn.tt[C=ZZ, O=Privdomain, CN=roadw.privdomain]---[C=ZZ, O=Privdomain, CN=server.privdomain]===; erouted; eroute owner: #8
000 "main"[1]:     oriented; my_ip=unset; their_ip=unset; mycert=roadw; my_updown=ipsec _updown;
000 "main"[1]:   xauth us:none, xauth them:none,  my_username=[any]; their_username=[any]
000 "main"[1]:   our auth:rsasig(RSASIG+RSASIG_v1_5), their auth:RSASIG+RSASIG_v1_5, our autheap:none, their autheap:none;
000 "main"[1]:   modecfg info: us:none, them:none, modecfg policy:push, dns:unset, domains:unset, cat:unset;
000 "main"[1]:   sec_label:unset;
000 "main"[1]:   CAs: 'CN=Privdomain CA'...'CN=Privdomain CA'
000 "main"[1]:   ike_life: 28800s; ipsec_life: 3600s; ipsec_max_bytes: 2^63B; ipsec_max_packets: 2^63; replay_window: 128; rekey_margin: 540s; rekey_fuzz: 100%; keyingtries: 2;
000 "main"[1]:   retransmit-interval: 500ms; retransmit-timeout: 60s; iketcp:no; iketcp-port:4500;
000 "main"[1]:   initial-contact:no; cisco-unity:no; fake-strongswan:no; send-vendorid:no; send-no-esp-tfc:no;
000 "main"[1]:   v2-auth-hash-policy: SHA2_256+SHA2_384+SHA2_512;
000 "main"[1]:   conn_prio: 32,32; interface: wlp4s2; metric: 0; mtu: unset; sa_prio:auto; sa_tfc:none;
000 "main"[1]:   nflog-group: unset; mark: unset; vti-iface:unset; vti-routing:no; vti-shared:no; nic-offload:auto;
000 "main"[1]:   our idtype: ID_DER_ASN1_DN; our id=C=ZZ, O=Privdomain, CN=roadw.privdomain; their idtype: ID_DER_ASN1_DN; their id=C=ZZ, O=Privdomain, CN=server.privdomain
000 "main"[1]:   liveness: passive; dpdaction:hold; dpddelay:0s; retransmit-timeout:60s
000 "main"[1]:   nat-traversal: encaps:auto; keepalive:20s
000 "main"[1]:   newest IKE SA: #7; newest IPsec SA: #8; conn serial: $2, instantiated from: $1;
000 "main"[1]:   IKEv2 algorithm newest: AES_GCM_16_256-HMAC_SHA2_512-MODP2048
000 "main"[1]:   ESP algorithm newest: AES_GCM_16_256-NONE; pfsgroup=<Phase1>
000 Total IPsec connections: loaded 2, active 1
000 State Information: DDoS cookies not required, Accepting new IKE connections
000 IKE SAs: total(1), half-open(0), open(0), authenticated(1), anonymous(0)
000 IPsec SAs: total(1), authenticated(1), anonymous(0)
000 #7: "main"[1] STATE_V2_ESTABLISHED_IKE_SA (established IKE SA); REKEY in 27182s; REPLACE in 27743s; newest; idle;
000 #8: "main"[1] STATE_V2_ESTABLISHED_CHILD_SA (established Child SA); REKEY in 1858s; REPLACE in 2543s; newest; eroute owner; IKE SA #7; idle;
000 #8: "main"[1] esp.9a83587d at esp.828f657b at rw.ii.nn.tt tun.0 at tun.0 at rw.ii.nn.tt Traffic: ESPin=0B ESPout=0B ESPmax=2^63B
000 Bare Shunt list:

Here, seems to be the gateway/next hop of rw.ii.nn.tt.

/proc/net/xfrm_stat shows only zeroes. The xfrm policies seem OK to me:

src rw.pp.uu.bb/32 dst
        dir out priority 1753280 ptype main
        tmpl src rw.ii.nn.tt dst
                proto esp reqid 16393 mode tunnel
src dst rw.pp.uu.bb/32
        dir fwd priority 1753280 ptype main
        tmpl src dst rw.ii.nn.tt
                proto esp reqid 16393 mode tunnel
src dst rw.pp.uu.bb/32
        dir in priority 1753280 ptype main
        tmpl src dst rw.ii.nn.tt
                proto esp reqid 16393 mode tunnel

What am I missing?

Many thanks,


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