[Swan] Possible to setup multiple connections, partly behind NAT?

Paul Wouters paul at nohats.ca
Fri Feb 9 04:08:37 EET 2024

On Fri, 9 Feb 2024, Phil Nightowl wrote:

> Along your advice, I changed the config files on host1.privlan (applicable
> to any host on my 192.168.1.x except server.privlan). SSH access is fixed,
> the config on host1.privlan does not use opportunistic encryption any longer
> and works fine. Adding
>     leftsubnet=
>     rightsubnet=
> did help. Could you please explain why it did and how? The man page doesn't
> mention On the other hand, it does say that "if
> [leftsubnet/rightsubnet is] omitted, essentially assumed to be left/32,

In your case, you wanted ssh to never be caught up in IPsec, so using ensures it matches all IPs, so the ssh exception always hits.
Think of type=passthrough as a firewall rule within the IPsec subsystem
that is basically iptables -j RETURN.

Without these, you would only match a single left and right IP/32, and
when using right=%any that would become which is a single IP

> Now for server.privlan. To begin with the easier part (SSH), to switch away
> from opportunistic encryption I think I need
> conn privlan-ssh
>    type=passthrough
>    left=%defaultroute
>    auto=ondemand
>    authby=never
>    leftprotoport=tcp/22
>    rightprotoport=tcp/%any
> plus possibly(?)
>    leftsubnet=
>    rightsubnet=
> However, I should add something instead of
>    right=%any
> since I probably don't want to allow SSH from all hosts to get through. That
> was actually my second reason to use opportunistic encryption. The man page

the left/right does not really matter if you specify the subnets. Then
those left/right's are the tunnel endpoints, but type=passthrough is not
really a tunnel with endpoints.

> says that left/right accepts IPs, FQDNs and magic values. So I assume I
> cannot use netmasks here. How can I (without opportunistic encryption)
> select only certain hosts to pass SSH through? That is probably only a
> specific form of a general question: how do I distinguish between different
> configs with identical left participant (server) without listing each
> individual right participant explicitly?

Ok if you want that, you could use a complicated opportunistic setup,
but you would need to sync those passthrough policies every time you add
a node or subnet. but honestly, at that point you should do this at the
firewall level using iptables/nftables. The reason people usually leave
out ssh is so that they don't do double encryption or that they want ssh
to work if the IPsec policies/state has locked them out and they need to
ssh in to fix it. So configuring that within IPsec with opportunistic
would still run the risk of locking you out.

>> Check your spam folder. Google enforced SPF/DKIM on all mail, as in they
>> started refusing large amounts of emails. We did fix the libreswan lists
>> to do this, so likely this is no longer happening to you.
> For me, it seems that Google doesn't refuse the messages, but marks them as
> spam anyway.

They changed their policy two days ago, and started bouncing those
messages now. We got 100+ messages bounces back from the libreswan list
until we enabled dkim for the lists.libreswan.org domain.


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