[Swan] Failure to find our RSA key

William Atwood william.atwood at concordia.ca
Fri Aug 4 22:36:23 EEST 2023


I am interested in using Libreswan in a project that requires IPsec 
tunnels between hosts.  Eventually, these tunnels will be based on 
certificates, but I wanted to understand the "basics" before going to 
the effort of setting up whatever certificate-management infrastructure 
I will need.

So, I found an example of a simple case in the Wiki, at 
https://libreswan.org/wiki/Host_to_host_VPN.  I ran the example on two 
hosts, Lampson and Cherry, each running Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS.

I installed Libreswan on both hosts, using "sudo apt install libreswan". 
  The resulting version string is:
Linux Libreswan 3.29 (netkey) on 5.15.0-76-generic

I initialized nss, and then used "sudo ipsec newhostkey" to generate RSA 
keypairs on each host.  Using the host keys, and appropriate IPv4 
addresses, I constructed /etc/ipsec.d/LACH.conf on both hosts, making 
sure that the host keys were on a single line in the file.

I ran:

sudo ipsec setup start
sudo ipsec auto --add mytunnel

on both hosts, and then ran

sudo ipsec auto --u mytunnel

on Cherry, which resulted in the following output:

dev at Cherry:~$ sudo ipsec auto --add mytunnel
002 "mytunnel": terminating SAs using this connection
002 added connection description "mytunnel"
dev at Cherry:~$ sudo ipsec auto --up mytunnel
002 "mytunnel" #1: initiating v2 parent SA
133 "mytunnel" #1: initiate
002 "mytunnel": constructed local IKE proposals for mytunnel (IKE SA 
initiator selecting KE): 
133 "mytunnel" #1: STATE_PARENT_I1: sent v2I1, expected v2R1
003 "mytunnel" #1: Failed to find our RSA key

After 60 seconds, I get the following additional output:

002 "mytunnel" #3: initiating v2 parent SA to replace #1
133 "mytunnel" #3: STATE_PARENT_I0: initiate, replacing #1
002 "mytunnel" #1: deleting state (STATE_PARENT_I2) aged 60.035s and NOT 
sending notification
133 "mytunnel" #3: STATE_PARENT_I1: sent v2I1, expected v2R1
003 "mytunnel" #3: Failed to find our RSA key

This behavior then repeats every 60 seconds.

Can anyone suggest to me what is wrong, and how to go about fixing it?


Dr. J.W. Atwood, Eng.             tel:   +1 (514) 848-2424 x3046
Distinguished Professor Emeritus  fax:   +1 (514) 848-2830
Department of Computer Science
    and Software Engineering
Concordia University ER 1234      email:william.atwood at concordia.ca
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West    http://users.encs.concordia.ca/~bill
Montreal, Quebec Canada H3G 1M8

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