[Swan] LibreSwan VPN Established | No Data Passing Through

Paul Wouters paul at nohats.ca
Wed Nov 23 15:53:52 EET 2022

On Nov 23, 2022, at 00:03, Kumar P S Udai <kumar.udai at zuwissen.com> wrote:
> Hi Paul
> This was slightly confusing, because when I try to ping the HO(Europa) machin's private IP (, I get a destination host unreachable message, all the while there was no change in the ESPout which remained at 0. However when I tried to ping a particular machine within the HO Lan such as, there is no reply, but the ESPout is going up 1K, 3K, 5K and so on...
Add leftsourceip= with the gateways LAN IP, to make the ping work without specifying -I LANIP. If espout increases it looks that end is configured properly and you can look at fixing the other end.


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