[Swan] initial thoughts on uncrustifying libreswan

Paul Wouters pwouters at redhat.com
Fri May 24 18:39:30 EEST 2013

On Fri, 24 May 2013, Lennart Sorensen wrote:

>>> Now if you happen to need to do:
>>> 	code;
>>> 	more code;
>>> 	{
>>> 		int i;
>>> 		for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
>>> 			code;
>>> 		}
>>> 	}
>>> well then I just question what you are doing.
>> What's wrong with trying to keep variable scope as local as possible?
> Nothing, but C doesn't require a block to do that anymore.

     more code;
     int foo;
     even more code using foo;
     even even more code not using foo;

What is the scope of foo end?

now compare:

     more code;
        int foo;
        even more code using foo;
     even even more code not using foo;


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