[Swan] Test case console file names and tcpdump filenames

Paul Wouters pwouters at redhat.com
Thu Feb 14 18:49:04 EET 2013

On Thu, 14 Feb 2013, Antony Antony wrote:

> I don't have a preference for either, "." or "-" is fine with me.  It could be consistent for all files. For a typical test we have:

My point was I am seeing both right now, and was wondering which one to
use. I don't care much either way, I just want to use the correct file
names :)

> east.cnosole.txt
> west.console.txt
> east.console.fixed.txt
> west.console.fixed.txt
> east.console.diff
> west.console.diff
> pluto.east.log   : this could be east.pluto.log ?
> pluto.west.log

I'd probably prefer east.pluto.log.
I also noticed I had mistakenly copied OUTPUT/east.console.txt to
east.console.txt as the "good" output. Perhaps it might make sense
to call the "fixed" one east.console.txt and the unfixed one something
like east.rawconsole.txt ?

> swan12.pcap
> IPv6 is chatty we will get a lot of it. I have been thinking changing capture one to discard it.  Or even disable ipv6 for ipv4 tests.
> often when we read it, use  filter.
> tcpdump  -e -n -r OUTPUT/swan12.pcap not ip6

Ahh. But this is currently done manually? Or are my tests missing
something that currently does that processing?


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