[Swan-dev] break down of 5.0's potential blockers

Paul Wouters paul at nohats.ca
Tue Dec 19 04:42:22 EET 2023

On Mon, 18 Dec 2023, Andrew Cagney wrote:

>> Is there a reason why git  head shouldn’t all go in?
> git head is at v5.0rc1


git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative

* 1b08bddaca - (HEAD -> main, origin/main) README.md: update documentation for 5.x (5 hours ago) <Tuomo Soini>
* 972d9406d3 - documentation: update dependencies listed in README.md (7 hours ago) <Andrew Cagney>
* 535e6fd9d2 - documentation: in README.md, specify <<make>> and not <<make programs>> (8 hours ago) <Andrew Cagney>
* 3090c1a5e6 - documentation/man: ipsec.conf.5 clarify ah= and esp= for phase2alg (8 hours ago) <Tuomo Soini>
* 5645d77556 - connections: dump the connection instance that is still using template (9 hours ago) <Andrew Cagney>
* 0c044c2265 - documentation/man: ipsec.conf.5: clean phase2alg= away (9 hours ago) <Tuomo Soini>
* 6301568cc9 - documentation/man: ipsec.conf.5 formatting cleanup (9 hours ago) <Tuomo Soini>
* b8cbe936a7 - documentation/man: ipsec.conf.5: restore dpdtimeout for ikev1 (11 hours ago) <Tuomo Soini>
* ffa3e65f8e - documentation/man: ipsec.conf.5: clarify dpddelay relationships (11 hours ago) <Tuomo Soini>
* 5f31cf9b15 - documentation/man: remove pfsgroup= from man page (11 hours ago) <Tuomo Soini>
* 8bc0562c72 - testing kvm: sprinkle sync;sync;sync over code base (12 hours ago) <Andrew Cagney>
* 7f111ee3eb - testing kvm: increase shutdown timeout from 20s to 30s (12 hours ago) <Andrew Cagney>
* 46d851be87 - testing alpine: use sed -i to enable community repo containing NSS (12 hours ago) <Andrew Cagney>
* 57c448b345 - testing debian: point 12.2.0 URL at archive (12 hours ago) <Andrew Cagney>
* 57bf5ce1a7 - testing freebsd: upgrade to 14.0 (12 hours ago) <Andrew Cagney>
* 503842c7a3 - Fix make git-rpm (12 hours ago) <Brady Johnson>
* be45617d13 - terminate: terminate_and_down_connections() fixes (12 hours ago) <Andrew Cagney>
* 4a936b2aad - The XFRM address scope must be global (12 hours ago) <Brady Johnson>
* d0861a6f85 - building openbsd: don't try to use SADB_X_SPDFLUSH (12 hours ago) <Andrew Cagney>
* 6a91a32c3d - building: fix typo in ok[] initializer (12 hours ago) <Andrew Cagney>
* 87956ac719 - (tag: v5.0rc1) Bump version to 5.0rc1 (6 days ago) <Paul Wouters>


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