[Swan-dev] testing and unstable dns

Paul Wouters paul at nohats.ca
Sun May 2 20:17:46 UTC 2021

On Sun, 2 May 2021, Antony Antony wrote:

>>     I think the swan-prep should to copy fresh config files every time.
>> Moving the nsd/unbound stuff out of transmogrify makes sense.

>>     the namespace directories and files, which are bind mount, should be setup
>>     in swan-prep.  especially because we want to restart inside a vm(east or
>>     west..) manually, inside a namespace, without resetting the all namespaces
>>     of a test. So I think we should leave those tasks in swan-prep. It should
>>     not be in namespace test runner.

I think a per-test feature (eg running a DNS server) should be handled
in the per-test setup, so swap-prep. Doing that in kvmrunner/namespacerunner
does not make any sense to me. That's just too much secret sauce on the
outside. I'd rather have to tests do the things themselves.

I'd like the DNS daemons to be started within the test, and if possible
without requiring any mounts. What is wrong with:

unbound -c /testing/pluto/XXXX/unbound.conf

Let the conf file or the command line options deal with a tmp dir and
pid file ? We don't need to talk to another they do other than port 53 / 5353
Keep it as simple as possible. Also avoid systemctl start|stop|status
because it doesn't work inside namespaces. Avoid code that does
different things in kvm or namespaces (like trying to check for KVM and
then issuing systemctl status seems wrong to me)

>> (I'm sure there is other stuff)
>> while this is currently implemented by walking the VM through a boot-and-login
>> sequence, there's nothing to rule out using snapshots, say.  Just as long as
>> the environment is established before the test starts.

If it is one snapshot per domain, eg you compile libreswan, install it,
then snapshot the thing to boot more quickly, it shouldn't be running
any DNS at the start, because most tests don't need it. So it would have
to be swan-prep that starts it anyway.

>> If I were to type "reboot" in such a vm, then I'll need to first manually
>> re-establish the above before entering the first shell command.  Why should
>> namespaces be different?

Well, namespaces are ephemeral. You don't "reboot" them. You re-create
them. But I'm still not sure this matters for the issue we are talking

>>  If namespaces and KVM established some minimum
>> environment before running tests then I think the odds of tests runing under
>> both frameworks would be greatly improved.

Don't we have that minimum? What are you trying to make the new minimum?

>> BTW, I'd take the above list as a starting point for discussion.  Currently
>> swan-prep has to deal with cleaning up from previous tests, I think that's a
>> bug.

> I have been trying to reply to this e-mail for two weeks. This is the best 
> I could come with on your discovery of the clean-up feature as a bug. In my 
> opinion, it is a wrong conclusion!

> I have been scratching my head to understand how you would reach the 
> conclusion it is a bug. As far as I can remember it has been there from the 
> beginning of KVM testing scripts, such as swan-prep.
> To be clear do not remove the hooks put in there to support rerunning
> a test manually by script by script without using runner: such as swan-prep 
> cleaning up previous instances,

I am not sure I see what you two are really disagreeing about.

Andrew is saying, "it would be nice if the filesystem was clean and
swan-prep didn't need to go check for that".

Antony is saying, "I want to be able to run swan-prep, do test stuff,
then re-run swan-prep for a new test without reboot".

Running swan-prep twice should not make any changes to the filesystem on
the 2nd iteration. It would just be repeating what it is doing. So I
don't think Andrew would break that. Unless Antony wants to run 1 test,
and then later another test. And the first test "left" a config file
somewhere. In this case, running swan-prep a second time would wipe
anything the first test did. I think not breaking this has value. I
also sometimes run multiple tests manually one after the other from
consoles without reboot. But it is rare. These days I try to use
namespace-runner.py to run multiple tests.

I am myself more concerned with things happening in post-mortem, and
how running a single test that does not run post-mortem would end up
with a different output then that test running in a bundle of tests
that get a post-mortem. Like moving the selinux audit checks into
postmortem would mean running a single test means I cannot see if
I trigger audit issues. I really do want to be able to keep running
a test as a single test or as part of a bundle, without it failing with
a false positive or silently not doing some checks for me anymore.
But I don't know how to do that.

> also in some init scripts, westinit/roadinit.sh, may remove the 
> addressees/routes added during a run that is to clean up the previous run. 
> e.g MOBIKE dns. I don"t agree with removing those even if it may speedup a
> test run. It is an essential feature! And rebooting KVM is not an 
> alternative!

In this specific case, I actually am on the fence. I really don't like
that I run some tests involving road, and when the test is done I cannot
"ssh road" because the test removed the real IP of road and didn't put
it back in the end. but I understand why this is, because otherwise you
cannot run it manually and then look at the state using a shell. But in
general, test cases should "reset" things like DNS configs after their
run, provided that they specifically test for the expected changes
during the run.

> If you feel avoiding clean-up would considerably speed up our testrun feel 
> free to add some options which by default disabled and could be optionally 
> enabled on testrun say on testing.libreswan.org.

Yes, it seems most of these issues of expecting different things depend
on whether the test is run manually or grouped. I would not be against
an ENV variable being set by the kvmrunner/namespace runner that
swan-prep uses to skip cleanup, that would not be set if running a
single test. I would hope that such an approach would address everyone's
concern ?


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