[Swan-dev] testing/web: please delete contents of RESULTS/commits/*

Andrew Cagney andrew.cagney at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 15:23:43 UTC 2018

I've just pushed the change:

   web: use the full SHA as the <commit>.json file name

which changes the name of each json commit file, which was based on
the abbreviated commit hash, from either (yes either!):


to the canonical:


Consequently, the next time 'make kvm-test' is run the new files are
going to be generated (slow and one-off).

Unfortunately this also leaves the RESULTS/commits/ directory
containing the old redundant files.  I recommend deleting them (just
delete RESULTS/commits/, or even deleting everything in RESULTS/*


PS: Yes, depending on the git version the abbreviated commit hash is
either 7 or 9 characters long :-(   This is the first of a tweaks that
deal with it.
PPS:The make rules were also simplified and, possibly, made faster -
it shouldn't invoke a recursive make as often

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